FLUID provide a range of services to the windfarm industry from initial baseline studies providing constraints for windfarm design, to expert witness services at public inquiry and drainage and sediment control management advice and monitoring throughout the construction period. We have an excellent in-depth understanding of wind farm planning and regulatory requirements and often work as part of larger multi-disciplinary teams to achieve the right results.
We have successfully worked with clients such as SSE, RES, Muirden Energy, North British Wind, Partnership for Renewables, West Coast Energy, Enerco and Muirhall Energy and on a variety of sites including greenfield, brownfield, agricultural and some of the most remote upland sites in the UK.
Fluid offer water, soils, peat, geological and carbon input for feasibility studies, EIA and planning application assessments, addressing post planning conditions, developing management and monitoring strategies, through to construction monitoring, abstraction and advice, and decommissioning.
FLUID staff have delivered specialist drainage management advice on numerous projects both prior to commencement of construction with the production of schematic drainage management plans as well as during construction to provide advice on the installation of sediment control structures, appropriate drainage and highlighting sensitive receptors such as Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems (GWDTEs), peatland habitat, private water supplies and sensitive water bodies.
Hydro Power
FLUID have a team of specialists who are experienced in providing assistance and advice on hydroelectric power scheme developments. We offer expert technical skills and detailed understanding of the regulatory policies and environmental studies required for appropriate feasibility analysis, planning applications and abstraction licence requirements.
Our expertise in geomorphology, abstraction applications and energy generation regulations allows us to provide advice which will increase your scheme’s potential of being granted permission to develop. Designing new infrastructure at locations of existing structures or sections of altered channel, selecting the best discharge point location to minimise scour and morphological changes and assessing the energy production category is suitable for development can assist in an improved scheme application.
Fluid staff have worked on a number of hydroelectric schemes across the UK including Carie Hydroelectric Scheme, Howley Lock and Curnelloch Burn Hydroscheme. We are proficient in working in a multidisciplinary team offering advice, environmental surveys and assessments and liaising with the regulators for CAR applications.
Other Renewables
Fluid have experience in providing specialist hydrological and geological services for other types of renewable energy projects including:
Fluid staff have worked on projects such as Forth Ports Biomass Plant EIAs, Braehour pelleting plant, geothermal heat feasibility studies at Baker Street, London and for new school academies developments.
FLUID offer a range of services to the mining industry both overseas and in the UK including:
- Development of large scale conceptual hydrogeological models related to open pit and underground mines;
- Estimation of groundwater recharge, stream baseflow and
- Development and supervision of baseline drilling, testing and monitoring programmes;
- Design of baseflow monitoring programmes;
- Water Supply Assessments;
- Water Management Plans for closure
Fluid staff have been involved on numerous mines throughout South America and Europe including:
- Minera Yanacocha, Peru; Minera Antamina, Peru; Minera Relincho, Chile; Minera Aguablanca, Spain; Carbones de Cerrejon, Colombia; Minera Antapaccay, Peru; Las Bambas, Peru; Lagunas Norte, Peru; Minera Las Quechas, Peru.
For clients such as:
- Newmont, Glencore Xstrata, Barrick, Milpo, Goldcorp, Lundin Mining, Tech, BHP Billiton and .
Fluid are highly experienced in the development of detailed conceptual models for the production of numerical groundwater models capable of predicting impacts on the surrounding aquifers, surface watercourses and other water features through targeted investigations and coordination with other discipline specialists. This includes:
- Hydrogeological mapping of catchments connected with the mine activities;
- Development of detailed geological understanding and the wider structural geology through interaction with project geologists and geochemists; interpretation of flow and quality monitoring data and identification of water features and surface water/groundwater interaction; and
- Prediction of hydrogeological conditions, barriers, flows, recharge rates and associated stream baseflows using data from groundwater well drilling, testing and monitoring; surface flows; water quality monitoring; abstractions for community water supplies and surface expressions of groundwater.
Fluid staff have worked on a variety of infrastructure projects including railway, track and road construction, British waterways, airports, ports, powerline, cable routing and grid connection, car parks, hospitals, schools, commercial and industrial, developments, housing and masterplan redevelopments and water treatment and supply.
Examples of infrastructure projects include Lynton Barnstable Railway, Airdrie to Bathgate railway, offshore/onshore power cabling routes, Clydebank canal restoration, Beauly to Denny Transmission lines and Lima Airport Phase II investigation.
We have assisted clients with the application of activities under the Controlled Activity Regulations such as abstractions, impoundments, watercourse crossings or engineering works in or alongside watercourses. Additionally we offer a range of services in relation to geology and soils including peat assessments, phase I contaminated land assessments, waste management plans, drilling supervision and borrow pit feasibility studies.
All infrastructure projects require assessment of the ground conditions and hydrology of the area to enable appropriate design parameters and to meet the requirement of regulators. Fluid can provide advice and services to support any infrastructure development and assemble a team of expert specialists for complex projects.
Fluid staff have also worked in other sectors including:
- Industry / manufacturing – EIA, due diligence, discharge monitoring. Nestle chocolate factory, Braehour pellet plan.
- Landfill / waste - due diligence, discharge, ground gas, monitoring, waste exemption. Hartlepool landfill, Colne Industrial park
- Stobhill Hospital refurbishment, Scottish Power substation upgrades, Bannockburn tourism centre, Stonehenge, Glenkinchie and Auchroisk Distillery.